Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week in Review

Ok... so my week was not that good all the way around. Stressfull week at work and some other things in life, I only ran 2 times, and weight loss class started and it was NOT pretty!And I have not slept the best these last 2 weeks-I am having nightmares and just very restless! SO... I was just not feeling very motivated to do much of anything and was not too excited about losing weight and having to concentrate on eating right and exercising all the time!

BUT... now the week is over and I am recomitting! We all have bad weeks and it was definetly my week. So I started off my saturday running outside! Yes... outside! It has been in the negatives and I hate to even step foot outside. But today the sun is shining and it was about 20 degrees! So I took full advantage and ran about 4 miles. It felt so good to be outside and to just run.

I have come to this conclusion... I am not a fast runner. I don't think I will ever be. I was not a sprinter in swimming(long distance all the way) and in running I am definetly not either. But I love to run and running at my own pace. I think that is why I like treadmills so much. Because I can run at my own pace and crank it when I need a little more. I just love running and love that anyone can do it! Really... if I can do it, anyone can!

Anyways... My goals for next week:

1. run 3 times and at least one other cross training workout.

2.Lose at least 1 lb.(a little at a time!)
This picture is motivation for me! My dad was a runner and I am so excited to follow in his footsteps! This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I LOVE that picture of you and your dad. So sweet. Good luck this week! You can do it! I hate bad weeks- but it happens to everyone. Just stay on track and, like you said, little by little!