Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The start!

I am so excited Aubrey and Liz are going to be my healthy-blogging buddies! Anyone else???

Anyways... this week starts my weight loss competition. I am so excited about it because I need something to hold me accountable. I was reading in Runner's World this month and it said for every pound you lose, it knocks off 2 seconds per mile when running! If I can lose 30-40 pounds by my 18 mile trail run, that is a whole minute or more per mile! That is huge! So I really have to do this for my body and for my running!

I ran a couple times last week and once this week-so far. I have done pretty well. I am running 3-4 miles straight and then add some sprinting and hills at the last of each run. Then I try to lift weights for a little bit. I need to get up to running 4 times a week. I only have 22.5 weeks until my trail run. And then I am not sure when my marathon is going to be.

So tomorrow I am starting no white flour and cutting down on my sugar intake-WAY down! I am going to try to get more fiber and eat the right amount of protein, veggies and fruits. Oh and also take my vitamins.I am so horrible about that!

Please-if you have any healthy recipes or ideas post them!!!

And remember... Don't give up! If you fail, just do better the next time!

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