Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fitness Blog Bum

Hey Girls! Sorry I'm a fitness blog bum. I was all pumped and then, well, life happened. Just wanted to check in and jot down how things are going for me...

Not so good. I was so excited at the new year to make some little changes to start getting back to "me" again. I was doing awesome- especially with the help of the treadmill my wonderful Santa brought me for Christmas. Where I live it gets light way later than it should and gets dark way earlier than it should (like about 4:30) in the winter, so running outside has been next to impossible (not to say anything of the torrential rain, snow, cold, cold, and cold.) Anyway, I was running each night. It felt awesome. I was eating really well. Again, it felt awesome. I lost a couple pounds and was so pumped.

Then one night I went to nurse my wee babe Wes to sleep and, to my horror- NO MILK. Fortunately I had an emergency can of formula, which I had to use. He nursed and then cried for more, then ate a SIX ounce bottle. He was so, so hungry. He had been more grouchy than usual the few days before that, and I was heart broken to find that all the exercise and reduced calories had caused my milk supply to slowly go down. He had been so hungry! I felt terrible. I had similar problems when I was nursing Jarom, but I didn't start exercising until he was about 7 months old, so it was different.

So. This week I have tried not to think at all about calories (I have eaten A LOT!) and have run less often and a little slower. My milk has mostly come back- I still have to supplement for Wes's nighttime feed, but I think I'll be totally nursing again soon. It is so sad- I will absolutely do what is best for my baby, but it's hard to put my goals on hold. I am still running (just got done with two and a half miles) and I am trying to eat "healthy calories", but it's a little discouraging. We'll see how this next week goes!

That's it for me. I have a few recipes I want to post- hopefully I'll get to it soon. I hope you like Gumbo and Cornbread! :)

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