Tuesday, February 2, 2010

January Goals Met

So how did everyone do last month? I hope you did amazing and that you are feeling good and sticking with whatever goals you put into place.

Here are my stats for last month: I did a total of 42 miles with 11 days of strength training.

I am going to try to increase my miles this month but we'll see what happens. Just knowing that I am working out 6 days a week is good enough for me. It has brought so many benefits into my life. I've noticed my stress level is down, I feel more confident about myself and I just feel amazing overall.

What's been working for you guys? Have you come across any good books, blogs or recipes that you have found to be helpful?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Great work, Aubrey! That's so awesome! I am finding goals difficult lately... but I'm still working at it and our eating has been super healthy. Exercise six days a week- that's fantastic! You must feel like a million bucks!