Friday, May 15, 2009


So, before I actaully did my half marathon i was thinking...."there is no way I would do a full marathon." BUT.....I am thinking i might do one next year! I will see how my knees and feet hold up all year with running. And if all goes okay, come january I am going to start training for a full marathon. I am going to continue to keep running a long distance on saturdays and maybe change up so workouts during the week. But I am really thinking about doing a full marathon. 26 miles seem so far away but so did 13 miles a few months ago. Anybody else thinking they want to do one too? I want to travel somewhere and do it... maybe the Disneyland one or Alaska near where kari lives.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Ooh, Me! Me! I have actually been looking at the Shiprock Marathon because I thought it would be really fun to do one close to home- but with the baby coming in September I don't know if I'd be ready by May... maybe. I'm also worried about running at such a high elevation after training here. I've also looked at London, Athens, Paris, and Venice- but they are ALL on Sundays! Dang. Anyway, I'll do one!!